

  • Dial to the client from the register Icon Discador
  • Search with barcode on the customer and product Barcode Scanner Icon
  • Customer base showing the address in Google Maps Google Maps Icon

Control orders by status

You can use Wifi printers or use Google Cloud Print !

Beyond the e-mail you can print the order

When you finish your budget or order with Apogeus Lite, send a email to your customer detailing the products with images, quantity and value.

Send e-mail to your customers

Situation can be provided budgets, confirmed, canceled and terminated.

Tela Lista Produtos

List of products with images, videos and attachments

Show your products with images, videos and attachments!

Separation of products by category

You can use Wifi printers and use Google Cloud Print!

Viewing high-quality pictures

To view all images just click on it in the product list!

Tela Estatisticas

View statistics of all orders

You can consider all orders by status, by filtering period !

Do an analysis by customer, product or category

With this tool you can devote more time to their main customers !

Store a lot of information

The system supports data from multiple years without interfering in speed!

Tela Configuração empresa

Freedom in setting

In the registration of the Company you can place text sent by email, and how many decimal places are used!

Dynamic records

Allows the user to register all data, adapting to different needs.

Database per user Progressiva Apps

You can use one or more of the Progressiva Apps users on the same device!

View products by list or page

Products List Tela Lista Produtos Tela Lista por Pagina Produtos Items per page

And much more …

  • Products by Category
  • Payment conditions
  • Register simplified orders
  • Registration of order items as Gift
  • Backup data to SD Card
  • Statistics by:
    • Day
    • Month
    • Year
    • Customer
    • Product
    • Category
  • Filters statistics by date and order status, allowing to analyze the canceled orders